Monday, June 18, 2012

Green Grass/Blue Grass

 Saturday  night at the Colonnade was the first in a series of Summer Concerts presented by Northeast Arts.   The inaugural group was Phantoms of the Opry... playing a mix of country and blue grass.    There's a sample of their music at the end of this post.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Northeast Portraits

 Above, the Scarritt House circa 1907, below the Palazola Home circa 1880s.
 Mystery home.... guess it correctly and win nothing.
All Nikon D800, 24-70mm lens...  ISO 100, multiple images merged.   Aperture F13-16.  All images converted using a super secret filter in Photoshop CS6...

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Northeast Portrait

Jay and Jennifer Bergman's home in our Historic little part of town.   Gladstone boulevard and Sunrise Drive.  Rendered in oil from a photograph using a top secret process .   Nikon D800, 7 photos merged,  ISO 100,  F13, 24-70mm lens.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Taya A Teen

Top picture is Taya two years ago..... just starting her pageant work.  Now she is the ripe old age of 13 :)

 Now she is a pageant winner.  Missouri Perfect Junior Teen.  We did another series of portfolio shots as she gets ready for Nationals.
 Great fun to work with her... she has a great personality and loves taking picture.
 Some application of digital powder. Slight lightening of eyes and teeth.  Removal of fly-aways... and that's about it for post processing.
 Studio shots with the Nikon D800 and 105mm macro lens.  ISO 100, F16-18, 1/200th shutter.  Two lights to four lights depending.

 Kauffman Gardens.  Nikon D800, 70-200mm lens for all shots, F56 mostly, ISO 400.
 These two above and below used fill-flash... most others available light.

 Above is Taya's favorite.  I can't pick a favorite.

 Although I really like the one above and the next two.

Friday, June 1, 2012

New Beds, Old House

 New flower beds have been added to the grounds of the Kansas City Museum..  modeled after those that existed back when it was a residence.   Two line the front walkway on the south side of the home.
 Above, a fish-eye was used to capture the beds...the Nikon 10.5mm dx lens.  I don't like to use a fish eye when buildings are involved as it always distorts... some minimal corrections done in this case in Photoshop Camera Raw.  Below, roughly the same view using the 14-24mm lens.  Less distortion and less correction.   The fish-eye is a DX lens whereas the camera is an FX.  The D800 automatically sets itself for the smaller coverage area by cropping.  It reduces the image size from 36 megapixels to 16.

 Above, the Carriage House with its new windows and doors..  a little paint removal remains to be done where the old Hall of Nature entrance was.   Below, the caretakers house where the Museum offices are today.

 Two more new beds are in back along each side of the north side walkway.  The wisteria is done for the year.

 Above the new hvac installation on the west side...
 Above, more of the north side, Below, the east side of the house.
Thanks to Christopher Leitch, House Wizard, who allowed me to skulk around the grounds.