Friday, February 13, 2009

Tara, Not So Firma

Yesterday while in Grandview on business I ran across this old house and out buildings.  Brad Finch, who does architectural photography for National Register Nominations and such, thinks the main part of the house could date from the 1870s.  It's located just a stones throw from 291 South and 150 Highway.  It is setback quite a ways from the road.    You can see additional photos of it and the other buildings here:


  1. So sad to see a lovely old home like this abandoned. It makes you wonder just what circumstances led to this. Surely the back story must not be good.

  2. Looking in the front door to snap a couple of shots... the furniture is still there, drapes are still hung... everything is a mess, upturned and sideways.. but there none the less. I didn't go in because the structural integrity just isn't there anymore. But I sure would like to.

  3. I love that old house but have never been brave enough to venture out and take pictures. the last time I photographed an abandoned house in grandview there were some homeless people squatting in it.
