Saturday, February 2, 2013


 All images copyright 2013 David Remley
 Concourse Fountain  Northeast Kansas City

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Low Down On Kaw Point

 Went on a photog-safari today with some new friends.  Took them to Kaw Point.  Water is very low  
                                                 there too due to the on-going draught.
 All the bank showing in these pictures was under water last spring. Above, Kaw on the right, Missouri River on the left.
Above, Kaw River flowing into the Missouri River KC Skyline in the background.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Mighty Mo Gettin' Low

Above, a view of the Missouri River looking west towards the KC Skyline.
 Above, the view a year ago from this past summer... bank full.  Below, the view on Sunday of this week.