Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Renovating W.T. Grants

From the Herb Harper Collection which I am cataloguing (sporadically at best). 4x5 black and white images of the W.T. Grant store at 1017 Main after renovation circa 1950. From the store display signage it looks like the interiors were shot shortly before Mothers' Day. I'd like to have those prices back.
Not sure but I think the bottom two photos may be "before" pix and those pix which show the "Luncheonette" signage are after.


  1. should've stockpiled when you had a chance

  2. More socks mama, more socks.... yeah.. that would've worked....

  3. It looks like this building had to be on the NE corner, where there is currently NOTHING but a parking lot. Nothing in the exterior shots correlates to anything standing today.

  4. Man, that luncheonette is awesome. Makes me want coffee, cigarettes and a newspaper.

  5. From the size of that place they must have been doing some serious business!

  6. It was 9th and Main, not 19th...they had the best hot dogs in town...JD

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