Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Television Market ca 1950

More images from the Herb Harper Collection. 90% of the negatives are 4x5. All of the negatives are black and white. So far the dates run from 1949 to 1952.... but I am only on the contents of box three out of 7. It's a tedious process to assign a file number, scan, write a brief blurb on what's in the image and then move on to the next. Most of the files aren't marked as to contents and there could be negatives of one subject.... i.e. W.T. Grants.... scattered throughout one box.

These show what the envelope said was "T.V. Mart".... although I suspect it's TV Market. The address on the front of the building is 3634 but could be east and west or north and south.... there is a reflection on the window glass from the building across the street. The signage on that is "Dr. Lilyhor Chiropractor". There is also a reflection of a cleaners that can be partially read: "...erles Cleaners." So the location can be pinpointed at a later date.

This is probably promotional work for the site showing that they have a full range of the latest models including those with phonographs and TVs as well as a repair facility (tubes anyone) and men who will make house calls.

Television was just coming into it's own around this time as the stars of decades of radio shows were making the move to the little screen.

The image of the man on his knee getting ready to fix the tv is an unfortunate double exposure... easily done back then when the 4x5 film was in negative holders (two to a holder) and you had to remember to take out the holder and turn it around for the next shot.


  1. I never heard of Caperhart-the TV brand

  2. I love the shots of the folks signing the financing contract. Maybe one day I'll get a Television Set.

  3. it seems like a fake set. those curtains! that furniture! the building pic is blown out, obscures the cool sign on the front by the head-on nature of the shot and is crooked. what's up with that one living room pic and the stars at the corners? freaky.

  4. I found the image of the tv salesman from a search. Is it ok if I use it in a presentation I am giving?

  5. Sorry, I just saw your comment.... yes you may use the images... hope I'm not too late for you.

  6. Great article! It’s really insightful for anyone looking to understand the importance of timely TV repairs. I recently faced an issue with my Sony TV and discovered that finding reliable repair services in Electronic City can be quite challenging. However, I came across Sony TV Repair Electronic City services, and their expertise and quick turnaround were impressive. They not only fixed the issue but also provided excellent customer service. For anyone in Electronic City with a faulty Sony TV, I highly recommend checking them out.
