Showing posts with label Kaw river. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kaw river. Show all posts

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Kawsmouth River Carnival 2024

1st Annual Kawsmouth River Carnival was held today (  6/8 )  Entrants paddled from  Kaw Point to Riverfront Park.   KCFD water rescue was on hand to provide aide if needed as was the Missouri Highway Patrol.  The photos were al taken at Riverfront Park. 

Above, Dorri Partain of the Northeast News was cheering on the contestants with a stolen balloon. 

                                           Above, one of two rescues that I know of.  

Above and below.  A hot tub was one of the vessels.  Manned by a crew with brooms.   All was well until they sailed right by the boat dock and had to be rescued before continuation on to St. Louis. 

                                                 Above, there was a band on a boat. 


Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Foggy River Town


The City was mystical yesterday as the fog rolled in and stayed.  Above and below, the Richardson-Graham Bridge over Anderson Road in Northeast Kansas City.  

All shots below are of Kaw Point.  The Kaw River is on the right, the Missouri River on the left.  The skyline of Kansas City is normally visible right in the center.  

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Gifts From The North

This time of year gifts of ice from our northern neighbors in Montana, the Dakotas, and Nebraska start arriving via the Missouri River.  Above, the Kaw is in the foreground and is relatively ice free.  The Missouri is in the background.  All shots taken from Kaw Point in Fairfax, Kansas City, Kansas. 


Sunday, August 25, 2019

The River In The Rain - And Other Stuff

Gray, drab day.  Went to Kaw Point to see the skyline in the rain.   Light rain above, heavy rain below.

     High buildings and low clouds.  Below, the whole area at Kaw Point is covered in mud from the high water levels this summer.. slick going. 

Above, the General Ashburn, twin screw towboat built in 1981.  105 feet long, 30 feet wide. 
Below, low clouds over the river looking north. 

 Above, train running along the levee.  This is below Quality Hill. Below, trains and cranes. 
 Below, one last shot after I decided I was wet enough.