Showing posts with label scarritt point. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scarritt point. Show all posts

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Walking The Point

 Once a Summer I like to walk the area called Scarritt Point in Kessler Park... the journey starts with my favorite home-grown castle - the William Wallace Home - c1888.

                  Above, looking west, below, the southwest corner of the Wallace Home. 

                          Above, the west side of the house, below, looking west from the home. 

                                                            Overlooking the East Bottoms. 
                                          Above and below, the observation area looking south.

                         Above, looking south ... the roof of the Colonnade (1908)  is in the center. 

                                                    Another view, looking northwest. 

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Scarritt Point Sunset

             Taken from Scarritt Point in Historic Northeast.  It's just west of the Kansas City Museum. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The Hall In Fall

Corinthian Hall perched upon Scarritt Point awaiting completion of remodel/renovation/restoration which is underway.  Taken from Reservoir Hill.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Friday, April 4, 2014

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Our Star Descends

Technically flawed so I have to shoot it again.   But liked the idea anyway.   Shot with the Nikon D800. Edited in Final Cut Pro X.  Music by Kevin MacLeod.  Better if viewed in HD and larger size.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A Very Northeast View

                                                           A view from Scarritt Point.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Sleeping Trees

Went on an eagle hunt Friday afternoon but no luck... hate to waste a trip.. so shot some trees. They're much more cooperative anyway. Nikon D3, ASA 800, 80-400 zoom, f-stop varied. All taken on and below Scarritt Point.

Above and below, I particularly like sycamores... this is an elderly one... probably 80 years old or so. I liked in it color and in black and white...
Below, same sycamore with some of its friends....

Friday, October 21, 2011

Muted Fall

A dry late summer, especially September, has stressed the trees to the point that they, in most cases, are just going from green to brown and dropping to the ground. Unlike last year when there was an extended display of color. I also haven't had time to take any fall images.... but here are a few from today. Above, from Scarritt Point looking west .... below a colorful tree next to the Point.... all shots taken with the Nikon D3 at ASA 200, 24-70mm or 70-200mm lenses at varying apertures... processed in Photoshop.

Unfortunately, most of the leaves this year are like the one above... a touch of red and dead.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Lately obsessed with the genre.. if it can be called a genre. Above is the view from Cliff Drive north about a 1/4 mile east of yesterday's shot. Right foreground is the Purina plant (I've heard they make dog food there). The red-brick buildings left of center are what's left of the old Heim Brewery which operated under that name from 1887 to 1905 when it merged with another organization... it stopped operating with the advent of prohibition. Just north of those buildings was the original site of Electric Park. A turn-of-the-last-century amusement park operated by the Heim Brothers.
Above, I've shot this many times before... is the hill directly above Scarritt Point looking northeast.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Slow Walk Snow Walk

Last time I walked was last year... business and weather have conspired to keep me in the cabin. Ventured out Friday to visit Scarritt Point and Cliff Drive.... above and below the Point.

There are, not unexpectedly, a large number of animal tracks in the snow.... it's somewhat reassuring to see that the deer paths from last year are still in use.
Above the view up from the Point... below the view from the Point.... Pendleton Heights is on the horizon.

Above.... this portion of Kessler Park, in which Scarritt Point is located, is in the Reduced Mowing Program... which at first I didn't like but now do because of the more natural appearance it brings to the hillside. Below down on the Drive.... which really, except for the sky, is totally monochromatic.

Very rugged and stark all winter..... all photos taken with the D3 .... five exposures of each image sandwiched softwarily to give higher dynamic range. All taken with the 24-70 zoom at 400 ISO.
This month, Jan 6th in fact, marks the second anniversary of Hyperblogal.... time flies.