Saturday, June 15, 2024

Downtown, Two Views

The older truly is better in architecture.


Saturday, June 8, 2024

Kawsmouth River Carnival 2024

1st Annual Kawsmouth River Carnival was held today (  6/8 )  Entrants paddled from  Kaw Point to Riverfront Park.   KCFD water rescue was on hand to provide aide if needed as was the Missouri Highway Patrol.  The photos were al taken at Riverfront Park. 

Above, Dorri Partain of the Northeast News was cheering on the contestants with a stolen balloon. 

                                           Above, one of two rescues that I know of.  

Above and below.  A hot tub was one of the vessels.  Manned by a crew with brooms.   All was well until they sailed right by the boat dock and had to be rescued before continuation on to St. Louis. 

                                                 Above, there was a band on a boat. 


Saturday, June 1, 2024

Walking The Point

 Once a Summer I like to walk the area called Scarritt Point in Kessler Park... the journey starts with my favorite home-grown castle - the William Wallace Home - c1888.

                  Above, looking west, below, the southwest corner of the Wallace Home. 

                          Above, the west side of the house, below, looking west from the home. 

                                                            Overlooking the East Bottoms. 
                                          Above and below, the observation area looking south.

                         Above, looking south ... the roof of the Colonnade (1908)  is in the center. 

                                                    Another view, looking northwest. 

Friday, May 24, 2024

Walking Through Elmwood Cemetery

Just some of the sights to see in this 152-year-old cemetery at Truman Road and Van Brunt Boulevard. 

            Rich, poor, large monuments, small monuments...  famous and unknown.... all together.