The House that Coors built somewhere in Metropolitan Independence.

What you always get when you ask for a "Bud."

Above and below.... mini galleries of art created by Taylor and Justin.

Above, children come second to Black Friday Planning. Below, Uncle Igor carved the turkey before cooking this year.

Above Erica still isn't sure she's with the right family. Below, Turkey Table with FAKE CANDLES.

Above, the children were calm and well behaved for a change.... below, not so much the kitchen help.

Below, it's a tradition in our family to dress all young children as Slavic Bag Ladies.

Above, Rachel and Trevor discussing the meaning of the latest Pee Wee Herman episode. Below, ask Grandma which child she likes best.

Rachel, above, memorizing the ads for later ( we finally told her she could take them with her )

Above and below, Justin gets to practice his touchdown dance since the Chiefs aren't playing.

Above, I have no idea. Below, the word "poop" is eternally funny amongst critters.

Above, Hudson stands out from the crowd, below, Taylor close up.

Above, "Okay, everyone look at the camera."

Above, Madison demonstrates her ballet pose, below, David demonstrates his Photoshop ability.

Above, Madison's father explains why he's only 2.5 feet tall and below...., finishing the day with a cookie and a Grandma.