The Fairy Princess has returned to the Kansas City Museum. Begun in 1935 at Kline's Department Store, the Princess greets all children in her Throne Room on the north side of the Museum Complex. For days and times please go to this link:
She has a brand new Throne this year. Below, the gates are decorated and open...

Above, check in at the Visitor's Center first and then proceed to the Carriage House. Below, kids and parents waiting in line.

The Princess has lots of helpers. Squire Leitch and Mouzin, Lady-in-Waiting Rebecca, and many Elves help her with her duties.

First comes a picture and then, with a wave of her magic wand, a box opens and there is a gift for the visiting child.

There is a Princess Gift Shop which is womanned by Princess Emeritus Erika....

Above, each child gets a Princess cookie too. And, below, after visiting the Throne Room, kids can cross over to the crafts tables and make ornaments or other holiday decorations.

Above, pictures ready for pickup. Below, a few scenes of holiday decorating of Northeast Landmarks.

Above and below the Richardson Graham Memorial Bridge in holiday finery... courtesy of Michael Nicholas Stringer and JJ... who own the apartment building right next to it. Renovation is underway!!!