Born in 1835, Dr. Dickerson was one of the best known and wealthiest physicians in early Kansas City history. When he passed he owned one million dollars worth of real estate in the city and surroundings.He was a physician at Sing Sing prison during the Civil War and later was in charge of all the hospitals of the sixth Army Corps.
His wife Mary Scherrill Dickerson - birthday unknown - came to Kansas City with her husband in 1865. She was called in a profile of the time an "eccentric automobile driver and the owner of the most expensive automobile in Kansas City" in a 1901 profile. The couple lived in a home at 1120 Wyandotte Street until they built a large stone mansion ( now gone ) on the northwest corner of Armour Boulevard and Main Street. D'Estaing died in 1902, Mary in 1909.

Just one week from today is the 150th Anniversary of Elmwood Cemetery. Find out more about the celebration here: