If the cat's on the roof then maybe somethings afoot. Mr. Daisy the cat began behaving weird even for him last week. He perched on the roof of my daughter's doll house and stayed there all day. Coincident with that was an increase in the uptake of cat food and "accidents" around the house. Then, early Friday morning, I heard sounds coming from the computer room that shouldn't be coming from the computer room and turned on the light to investigate. A small furry creature bearing a striking resemblance to a opossum trundled past my feet, down the stairs and into the kitchen. This, of course, is not good.

Soooooo, I borrowed a trap from my brother who considers it a higher art form and put it in the kitchen baited with grapes and a peanut butter sandwich.... hey I don't want word to get around that I don't provide a nice spread for guests.... even the uninvited ones.

The next morning my little friend was in residence and not the least bit pleased by the whole turn of events..... he alternated between hissing and begging me to come closer to the cage. Mr. Daisy seems to have decided it was the biggest damn mouse he had ever seen and would have nothing to do with it.

He rode quietly in the back of the car as we headed to Indian Mound where a tribe of itinerant dogs seems to have encamped.... so I came part way back and let him/her (you check I ain't) out next to the woods.... It disappeared. And no... I haven't any idea how he/she got in.