Sunday, February 20, 2011

Indian Mound 360

Giant and really pointless 360 view from the top of Indian Mound at Gladstone Boulevard and Belmont Avenue. The left and right edges of this image would join together if this was circular. It's composed of 15 images all of them F7 at 1/400th of a second, ASA/ISO 800. The large white building center left is the old Wards Catalogue Center and now Super Flea... The Mound itself is of Indian origin (thus the name) although I believe it is just the result of generations of Native Americans living at the site and was not deliberately constructed for any specific purpose. The original Mound was only five feet above grade and numerous digs in the last century and earlier turned up animal bones and charcoal from fires and a few tools and such. In the 1930's the original Mound was covered with layers of dirt that resulted in the larger hill we see today.

Indians occupied the ridge that is Gladstone Boulevard for years and years with ample artifacts having been found in various locations and even a dance floor found when the excavation for Gladstone School was begun in 1913.

This image is 8 inches by 46 inches and 368 megabytes.... greatly reduced before uploading to the blog.

My home is in the Indian Mound Neighborhood Association which takes its name from.... yup.
Above is a link to view the panorama close up and in 360 degrees.


  1. you should try uploading to one of those sites you can pan and zoom like this

  2. Looked at more closely in a new window, but not the hyperlinked address you gave. Looks like a quite pleasant rural area and you must feel great living there. PS: Why is the panorama such a large file, 368Mb? Maybe a much-reduced file size would be suitable for Microsoft's Photosynth.

  3. Hi Menchu... I actually live in the heart of Kansas City but we have lots of green space and beautiful parks with wooded areas. I take all pictures with the possibility of printing them eventually and my printers require 360 dpi... thus the file sizes are larger. It's not hard to reduce them for web though. Photoshop handles these sized files very well so far.
