Showing posts with label macro photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label macro photography. Show all posts

Thursday, March 18, 2010


The crocus have bloomed.... last couple of years they have popped up in February... this year they weren't taking any chances. Of course after the next three days they may burrow back into the ground. (And I might follow them.)

Above and below... the Japanese Maple is, wisely, in no particular hurry.
And, below, the Cherry Tree will take it's time too... but we're closer everyday.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Summer Leftovers

All these shots were taken with a 70-200 mm lens and a Cannon closeup filter.
Monarchs feasting before their journey south.

Wing closeup... almost looks like terry cloth.
Regular old annoying fly.
Humming bird moth... they flit from flower to flower just like their avian look-a-likes.
Bees don't smile.
Pollen clings... you can take more back to the hive that way.
Moth... funny looking... except to another moth.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Flocks of Flocks

There is so much shade in my backyard that no flowers will grow except right by the patio where the sun still reaches most of the day. Tall-stalk flocks love it, are pretty much indestructible and bloom for almost a month. All kinds of flying critters visit.... I'll have some photos of them later. These were taken with the Nikon 105mm macro and 70-200mm zoom with Cannon macro filter.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Macro Bugs Me

.... until I actually go outside and do some. Insects are generally cooperative as long as you don't invade their closest security zone. Helpful too if they are busy eating/gathering.

Common house fly.... not even cute up close.
Good thing bees don't have allergies.

This one is for Donna (Just Me) I won't see hummingbirds until July... when the neighbors butterfly bushes are in full bloom. But I do see hummingbird moths pretty much all summer long. They are fast and flit just like their avian cousins.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Kauffman Blooms

Visited Kauffman Gardens today to do some senior pictures... but before Katie arrived I roamed around and enjoyed the scenery. The roses are just ready to open and should be gorgeous next week. If you have some spare time... visit... 4801 Rockhill Road.... just east of the Plaza and South from the Nelson Gallery... and it's free. Extremely well maintained.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Cherry Blossom Festival

I'm lucky to have a cherry tree in the backyard. It was a volunteer in that it just popped up from the roots of an older tree that is long gone. It didn't really pick the best place to grow as it's heavily shaded by a nearby catalpa and huge cottonwood that is directly overhead. Thus it has some blooms but few cherries. None-the-less it is a pretty tree and seems otherwise happy.