A beautiful day must not be wasted. Took a couple of hours to venture out in Northeast (big surprise ). With the help of Christopher Leitch, Historic House Director, Kansas City Museum, I ascended to vantage points to capitalize on the beautiful day, flowering trees and wonderful clouds. Above is a 180 degree panorama taken from the balcony just above the front entrance to the Museum. East is left and west is right, south straight ahead. Six images stitched together in Photoshop.
Below, same vantage point ... vertical looking down on the entrance walk and main gate.

The shot below, taken from the roof, shows the downtown skyline... the view from up top is the best in the city in my never to be humble opinion. Foreground of the image includes Kessler Park and part of Reservoir Hill... the light green...

Below, from the roof top... looking south.... Gladstone Boulevard curves around in front of the mansion.

Tomorrow more of the same... only different..... Many thanks to Christopher for his time and wealth of information that he provides about this grand old building.