My friends Frank and Audrey say this cat will come each evening, during nice weather, and lay in their window while they eat supper. The cat belongs to a neighbor.
Northeast KC lost another venerable old structure today as wrecking crews demolished a building over a century old. Due to a negligent owner the property was in such disrepair that an emergency demolition was ordered by the city. Another piece of our past gone forever.
These two pictures show: closeup, last summer, whole view, today just before the destruction. The house stood at Minnie and Brooklyn in the Pendleton Heights Neighborhood. Update: Original reports stated that the third floor of this building had fallen into the basement... as you can see from the top three photos taken on 3/26 the third floor is still there.
I dug a pond in my back yard about 10 years ago. At that time the water spectacular was on the right side.... then I moved it to the left side.... today I moved it to the middle. None of this means anything really. I have hastas planted all around the pond at the base of the stones. They will come up in another couple of weeks.... barring a frigid spell. I also insert faux water plants to cover up the intake pipe. I have two kinds of hastas... La Vista and Luego (pausing now for guffaws). All the rocks came from Cliff Drive... don't tell Parks and Rec.
I can't decide whether I love or don't love this building.... thus the "waffle" aspect... of course it does sorta look like an upended waffle. It's the West Edge development at 48th and Roanoke designed by architect Moshe Safdie.. who's also the designer of the Kauffman Center for the Performing arts. While certainly an intriguing edifice from a design standpoint, it is very large for where it is located and dwarfs its surroundings. One day I like it and the next day I don't like it.