Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Scarritt Point Rainy Day

The skyline was barely visible through the mist and rain.Took a walk in the rain Wednesday... me, umbrella, camera bag, camera... awkward to say the least. Walked along Scarritt Point just west of the Kansas City Museum/Corinthian Hall. Very foggy, cloudy and wet... but worth the effort because I wasn't alone.

I saw at least six deer and the two turkeys below. I spotted a wild turkey earlier this summer but didn't have a camera with me. Luckily, these two were willing to pose... until they saw me that is.

Below, two does and a fawn. The larger doe was not happy at all to see me. She snorted almost continuously before heading into the woods on the left... the others in tow.

First signs of autumn. The trees are just beginning to change. Should be a beautiful fall.

Kind of a homely bird.... at least they taste good.

Three critters one shot.


  1. Cool! Maybe a Jake with a big fat Tom. The turkeys look more ready for winter than the deer.

  2. I don't think you could have seen any more wildlife than that in the country!

  3. The deer, the turkeys and I were equally surprised to see each other.

  4. No zoom lens when I first saw the turkey earlier this summer.... but these were all taken with a zoom lens. The 70-200mm with a 1.7 extension.... making it close to 400mm. I hid behind trees to get the turkey shots... but the deer just kept popping out of the woods... inevitably when I was in the clear with no tree at hand. I intend to go back tomorrow evening at the same time as these critters are creatures of habit.

  5. When I was at the Japanese Fest some people sport some major tele-lenses,literally over a foot long

  6. I would dearly love to have the NIkon 600mm.... but it's $10,000.... which is $9,500 out of my budget range.
