Thursday, April 23, 2009

Cherry Blossom Festival

I'm lucky to have a cherry tree in the backyard. It was a volunteer in that it just popped up from the roots of an older tree that is long gone. It didn't really pick the best place to grow as it's heavily shaded by a nearby catalpa and huge cottonwood that is directly overhead. Thus it has some blooms but few cherries. None-the-less it is a pretty tree and seems otherwise happy.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Colonnade at Sunset

Constructed in 1908 the Colonnade in the Northeast part of Kansas City completed the grand design of George Kessler for North Terrace Park and the Concourse. One can enjoy a lovely view of Cliff Drive below and the east bottoms off in the distance. There is most always a breeze/wind there which makes it comfortable in summer and heck on hair in portraits.

Indian Mound at Night, Panorama

Taken from atop Indian Mound this 180-degree panorama shows the Indian Mound Neighborhood from due east on the left to due west on the right. The image is made up of five separate shots.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spring Along the Trail

An image for Donna, (Just Me)
Don't know the identity of this little plant.
Or this one either.

Redbuds and Bush Honeysuckle at Scarritt Point.
My Japanese Maple in full leaf now. Yes, it is my favorite tree.
Dicentra cucullaria or more commonly known as Dutchman's Breeches
New spores on trail moss.

May Apples. These grow to about 14 inches tall and have a single, large white flower from which the apple forms.

Friday, April 17, 2009

For Jennie

Every once in a while something intrudes in our lives that we cannot ignore... such is the case with me and Jennie Rutherford. Last summer I was taking pictures in Elmwood Cemetery and knelt by a headstone for a better shot of the chapel. When finished I noticed that the grave marker was for Jennie F. Rutherford, born October 6th, 1885 and died October 31st, 1896. Eleven years old. I have a daughter of my own, healthy thank God, but we who have children know what the pain would be to lose one so young. Jennie died of the croup the undertaker was D.W. Newcomer Sons she was buried November 1, 1896... these things we know. We don't know Jennie. Every 11 year old girl has dreams of her wedding, her future husband... maybe a prince, maybe the grocery clerk... a beautiful day, a church full of flowers. Jennie, I'm sure, had those dreams... and she probably teased her siblings, did her chores around the house and longed for the day when school would let out for the summer. She admired the pretty blue dress in the store window and looked forward to the time when she would hold the hand of her own daughter on her first day of school. Thoughts like that are easy to imagine... what isn't easy to handle is that this child, but for a marker, never existed. Jennie is not in a family plot... but by herself. She is unknown perhaps to the whole world. But no more... once I read the headstone I had met the child. From now on every October 6th I will blog about Jennie... hopefully I can find out more about her family between now and then... but, if not, at least she will be remembered. A child who once ran and laughed and played and cried will again live in our memory. And Jennie, a lot has changed since you passed in 1896... the words I type can be seen around the world in an instant. I have a blog follower in New Zealand .... far, far away... but now she knows about Jennie Rutherford.... so rest in peace little girl... you are not forgotten.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sprint Arena Pictorial

Toured the new Arena a while back... has some very interesting vistas both inside and out. According to todays KC STAR Pollster Magazine has ranked the Sprint Center one of the top five entertainment venues for the first quarter of 2009 in the United States and number 14 in the world. (Talk about totally unintentional timely blogging :) )