Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Dance Your Heart Out

Saturday, June 8, 2019 was the 10th Annual Brian M. Anselmo Foundation "Dine and Dance With the Stars held at the Overland Park Convention Center.  1200 folks got to see pros from Dancing With the Stars judge local couples who danced to raise funds for the charity.  Over $500,000 was raised that evening.  Then, the pros danced for the crowd.  It was great fun as usual.  Jerry and Mary Ellen Anselmo (  2nd and last picture ) are the Foundation masterminds.  Congratulations to all.

Technical information.  All shots except the one above shot at ISO 8000, F8, various shutter speeds.
             Before everything started above, and, below, the singer during dinner with 1200 people.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Saturday, June 1, 2019

High, But Not That High

This morning the Missouri River at Kansas City, hit a crest of 36.4 feet.  Highest crest since 1993, when the crest was 48.9 feet.   Some pix below.... The only black and white is 1993.

Above, today, below July 1993.  Use the dome for comparison. 

The shot above show the Missouri River behind/north of the Downtown Airport and in front/south.

 Above, Kaw Point.   On this day, none of the Lewis and Clark statue is visible.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Urban Renewal

 Wandered around the backyard today viewing all the new life that's arrived for Spring.  Also, trespassed using a long lens into my neighbors' yard.  Grant and Jessica are understanding.  A 400mm lens gives each photo an impressionistic touch.