Showing posts with label Budd Park. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Budd Park. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Fall Walk Through Budd Park

A day trip to Budd Park in Historic Northeast Kansas City at Hardesty Avenue and St. John Avenue. 


Saturday, October 29, 2022

Northeast Fall 2022

                   Skyline from Walrond Avenue on the west side of the Kansas City Museum. 
                                                                          Kessler Park. 

                                     Kessler Park with road down to Cliff Drive
                                              Above and below, houses on Norledge Avenue. 

                                                  Above and below, Kansas City Museum. 

                                                       Above and three below, Budd Park. 

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Colorful Old Northeast

                                                          Skyline from Reservoir Hill. 

                                           Above, Kessler Park.  Below, home on Prospect. 

                                                                             Budd Park. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Help I'm Falling

                        Guadalupe Center Campus.  When I was young it was National College.  

                           Above, Azariah Budd home next to the Park that bears his name. 

                                                      Above and below, Indian Mound. 

                                                Above and below, Elmwood Cemetery. 

                                                  Above, Budd Park. Below, KC Museum. 


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Popsicle Parade

Last night was the Second Annual Popsicle Parade in Budd Park here in Old Northeast... organized by NorthEast Presbyterian Church and Northeast Arts KC ... kids (and big kids) decorated their bikes, scooters, wheel chairs or themselves and paraded from the north side of the Park by Holy Cross over to the swimming pool.... Prizes and popsicles were presented at the end. I was honored to be one of the judges for the event and, while I sincerely hoped to be bribed, I wasn't....

Above, pondering the meaning of it all..... below, in full bloom....